Star Wars! Star Wars, I am sure everyone watched a few Star Wars movies or shows growing up. I know I did. Just watching those light saber wielding space wizards fight off weird red faced alien was fascinating to me as a kid.
So, I like watching movies, TV shows and web series especially thrillers and comedy. Last year as I was sitting lethargically on my couch inside my house watching 2020 die outside my window, I thought “How about I revisit my favorite cinematic universe as a kid”. So, I watched two shows Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars Clone Wars and those shows no exaggeration changed my perspective about this universe. I understood that it was way more complex than I originally thought (By the way I just realized that the Age of the Empire Timeline is a dystopian Timeline). I got to know of Anakin, The Sith, The Jedi, The Inquisitors, The Lord (Darth Vader), The Overlord (Palpatine), Order 66 and much more.
I know that these two shows are PG and there isn’t any proper light saber battles and what not but I love em. The Characters are so cool, they all have their own past, power, role and destiny. There are moments in these shows that actually made me cry. I love the characters. I wanna cosplay these characters so bad. I would recommend watching all of the star wars movies even the old ones because they are still amazing and carry a lot of information and answers.
That is another great thing about this universe, It carries a lot of mystery and it baits you to search for answers. I love learning about new things especially things with mystery. There are a lot of shows and eBooks and movies on the universe and I Think you should also revisit Star Wars. It’s awesome.